From the global network of megalopolises to the political partitioning of the world: The guest-editor's introductory statement


  • Calogero Muscarà



Global Network, Politics, Megalopolis


The author, guest-editor for the three double issues of this special volume of Ekistics, is Professor of Urban Geography at the University ofRome La Sapienza. He has been a member of the Commission Permanente de Géographie Politique chaired by Professor Jean Gottmann. He chaired the Working Group on Geography of Transport of the International Geographical Union from 1980-1988. Professor Muscarà's scientific interests have always focused on the epistemology of geography. He has researched issues on the geography of development and on regionalization, especially regarding its relationships tothe dynamics of urbanization. Of his numerous publications, his latest book is on the paradox of federalism in Italy. He is a member of the World Society for Ekistics.



How to Cite

Muscarà, C. (2003). From the global network of megalopolises to the political partitioning of the world: The guest-editor’s introductory statement. Ekistics and The New Habitat, 70(418/419), pp. 6–8.