Toward the implementation of the Concept-Plan


  • C. A. Doxiadis



Concept-Plan, Urban


Now that the Concept-Plan for the Urban Detroit Area has been developed, how can it be implemented? What process can be initiated which will lead to its fulfillment? What action must be undertaken to face the full range of problems? The purpose of this part is to indicate the process through which an urban area may move toward the solution of its problems and the implementation of the plans for its future development by acting at all scales, on all types of structures and functions, and in a coordinated way at the right time (fig. 1 ). To this end a series of essential programs are outlined for the complete physical reorganization of UDA (fig. 2). These programs would also initiate parallel efforts to resolve those problems which are not directly related to the physical structure. These essential programs are presented in terms of their basic targets and their basic dimensions, with indications as to who should undertake the responsibility for their implementation and coordination.



How to Cite

Doxiadis, C. A. (2005). Toward the implementation of the Concept-Plan. Ekistics and The New Habitat, 72(430-435), pp. 141–163.