Integrated BIM + Parametric Modelling: A decision-support tool for human-centric campus simulation, automation, and optimization




Human-centric planning, Parametric Modeling, Building Information Modeling; Inclusive open Spaces, Sustainable Design


Developing masterplans of large-scale areas such as campuses involves formulating multiple scenarios, considering various social, functional, environmental, and aesthetic factors, and pursuing multi-objective optimization to fulfill various conflicting quantifiable and non-quantifiable design objectives. However, current practice lacks an integrated methodology that enables automatic evaluation of those scenarios and visualization of their results to stakeholders. Using computer-performed simulations with innovative design methods to dynamically investigate and empirically assess how campus characteristics influence its inclusiveness, users’ behavior, and social interactions can help identify designs that stimulate human-centered principles. This paper introduces the integrated parametric BIM-based campus life simulation as a decision-support tool. It unifies the design and analysis cycles with scenario generation and design automation through a human-centered methodology. The supports interactive design processes that involve space exploration, analysis, and optimization, allowing the usage of multi-objective optimization methods to develop detailed design alternatives that fulfill conflicting quantifiable and non-quantifiable objectives. Thus, it functions as a descriptive and predictive tool and supports theory-testing and development. 

Author Biography

Firas Al-Douri, Jackson State University MS, United State

Firas Al-Douri is an educator and researcher with a Doctorate in Architecture from Texas A&M University in 2006. He has a dual Architecture and Planning academic background and extensive experience in Architecture and Urban Design teaching, research, and practice for over 25 years across the US, Europe, and Asia. His teaching is focused on Architecture, Urban Design, Sustainable Design, Housing, and Research Methods. His research interests connect three domains: urban design practice, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), and sustainability. His work was funded by grants from the AIA/AAF and the American Planning Association. He is currently an Associate Professor at Jackson State University (JSU). Before joining JUS, he taught at the International University of Sarajevo, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Texas A&M University, and the University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. His practical experience is over twelve years in governmental and private firms and consultancies in Iraq and the UAE.




How to Cite

Al-Douri, F. . (2025). Integrated BIM + Parametric Modelling: A decision-support tool for human-centric campus simulation, automation, and optimization. Ekistics and The New Habitat, 84(2), 56–64.