Enhancing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept through Social Interaction and Crowdsourcing applications


  • Maria Tsami, Dr. Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)/ Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH)
  • Evangelos Bekiaris, Dr. Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT)/ Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH)




MaaS, Urban sustainability, Parking, Carpooling, crowdcoursing


The present paper considers the rapid growth of private transport usage in urban environments, that is linked with increased traffic congestion and imbalance between parking supply and demand, to promote novel Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concepts towards overcoming both issues. Based on the findings of two research projects, SocialCar and SocialPARK, focusing on supporting social interaction of travelers and the proper use of crowd-coursed information and data, sustainable solutionsfor relieving urban congestion and vital parking management are being presented. Projects findings, proved to have a significant impact on increasing interest for carpooling and PT combined usage, while the parking availability sharing information seems attractive for the majority of citizens. Combining both concepts, and exploiting the “wisdom of the crowd” for providing mobility and parking solutions in real time conditions, under a monitored and accurate frame of operation, adds on the creation of a novel value-chain for mobility and parking towards sustainability.





How to Cite

Tsami, M., & Bekiaris, E. (2022). Enhancing Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept through Social Interaction and Crowdsourcing applications. Ekistics and The New Habitat, 81(1), 25–27. https://doi.org/10.53910/26531313-E2021811507