Vol. 80 No. 3 (2020): Cities and Transport in the Mediterranean Region (Part 1 of 2)

Cover image featuring train and motorway

Guest Editor: Prof. Dr George A. Giannopoulos

Transport Planner, Professor Emeritus, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Cor. Member of the Academy of Athens. Email: ggian@academyofathens.gr

A collection of future-oriented analyses and engagement,  this special issue brings together contributors who engage with urban transport in the Mediterranean Region. The issue features analyses concerning the sustainability of Spanish cities' transport systems, the impact of big data on land-based and maritime networks in the Adriatic, and developments related to China's 'One Belt, One road' initiative. Contributors also address gender-related violence in Egypt, the perception of mobility patterns on university campuses in the Mediterranean, and the challenge of defining objectives for national energy transport policies. 

Published: 2022-01-30

Full Issue

Editor's Desk

Table of Contents

Guest Editor: Special Issue

Scholary Articles

Ekistic Grid Index